



超声是一种诊断成像技术,用于获取胎儿及其周围环境的信息. 超声波 techniques employ the use of high frequency sound waves transmitted from the skin's surface through the uterus (womb). 取决于底层结构的密度, 然后声波被返回, 在小屏幕上产生图像的.


超声波首先被军方用作定位潜艇的手段. 这个想法被进一步扩展,并被工业用作检测致密或固体结构缺陷的手段. 超声波 was adapted for medical use in the early 1960's when it first was used in obstetrics to locate the position of the placenta (afterbirth) and fetus. 今天这是可能的, 因为仪器的进步, 了解关于胎儿及其环境的极其重要的信息.


The most common reasons for having an ultrasound exam are to determine the approximate age and position of the baby and to make sure the baby is growing normally.

年龄可以在怀孕早期(2至3个月)通过测量婴儿的长度来确定. 晚些时候, 4到7个月, 年龄是通过测量头部和股骨的长度得出的, 大腿内的长骨. 然后将这些测量结果与列出正常婴儿生长平均值的表格进行比较.

利用超声波, 可以看到婴儿周围的液体量以及胎盘, 或胞衣, 以及胎盘的位置. This information is helpful in determining what kind of delivery you will have (vaginal or cesarean) and whether the baby will need any special medical attention immediately after delivery. (怀孕早期, 可能需要用放置在阴道内的特殊换能器进行扫描才能看到婴儿.)



  • 通过测量胎儿来确定你的预产期. 超声测年已被证明比月经测年更准确, 尤其是在怀孕早期.
  • 来确认早孕.
  • 评估胎儿生长.
  • 确定羊水的量是否正常.
  • 观察胎儿运动和心脏活动.
  • 选择羊膜穿刺术的最佳部位.
  • 检查胎儿解剖


No confirmed biological effects on patients or instrument operators caused by exposure at intensities typical of present diagnostic ultrasound instruments have ever been reported. 尽管这种生物效应可能会在未来被发现, 目前的数据表明,谨慎使用诊断超声对患者的好处大于风险, 如果有任何, 这可能是存在的.


There is little or no pain involved in an ultrasound examination of your abdomen although there may be some discomfort from maintaining a full bladder. A gel-like material is applied to your abdomen and the instrument is then placed on the skin surface to provide better contact between the transducer and the skin. 这种凝胶摸起来可能有点冷, 尽管它很容易擦掉, 穿容易洗的衣服是个好主意.


有时可以看到婴儿的性别,有时则不能. 如果宝宝以不方便的姿势躺着,就不能确定宝宝的性别.


The ability to detect abnormalities depends on the size of the abnormality and the position of the baby in the uterus. 因此,可能会有一些异常没有被检测到.


请带着满满的膀胱来. 在做超声检查前检查膀胱是很有帮助的. 因此, 在手术前一小时喝4到6杯水,在手术前不要排尿是明智的. This is found to be extremely helpful in that the full bladder helps raise the uterus out of the pelvis for more complete visualization. 人们还发现,因为声音很容易通过流体, 更清楚地界定早期怀孕的情况是可能的.


地区围产期中心的产科超声检查平均需要15到30分钟. 复杂的病例和多胎妊娠需要一个小时或更长时间. There are factors that limit the quality of the exam including maternal size and the position and gestational age of the baby. 这也会导致考试时间的增加.


你只能带两个以上的成年人一起观看考试. 我们更希望这包括孩子的父亲或其他重要的人. 我们希望10岁以下的孩子不要参加.


  • 根据粮食署发表的声明 & 药物管理局唯一批准使用超声波的是医疗诊断目的. 以娱乐为目的使用超声波是不被批准的.
  • 这是区域围产期中心的政策,发布录像超声检查, 除了作为医疗记录的一部分, 是不允许的, 病人不允许录下他们的超声检查. 我们将尽一切努力为每位患者提供她孩子的照片.
  • 你准时到达你的超声波预约是非常重要的. 如果你迟到超过15分钟, 我们可能需要重新安排你的超声检查预约.
  • 如果你将迟到或不能按时赴约, 请致电地区围产期中心315-464-4458.


莉莎米. Allen, BS, RDMS, RDCS, RVT, FAIUM

Lisa graduated from Rochester Institute of Technology with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Diagnostic Medical Sonography (1990). She has earned her credentials through the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS) in the specialties of 妇产科, 腹部及神经超声检查. 除了, she is a Registered Vascular Technologist (RVT) and has earned the Registered Diagnostic Cardiac Sonographer (RDCS) credential in the field of Fetal Echocardiography. Lisa has earned her competency to perform first trimester nuchal translucency and nasal bone risk assessment evaluations through the Fetal Medicine Foundation and the Maternal-Fetal Medicine Foundations Nuchal Translucency Education and Quality Review Program (NTQR). Lisa has been employed at the 地区围产期中心 since 1992 and currently holds the job title of 超声波 Coordinator. Lisa has held Senior Member status with the American Institute of 超声波 in Medicine (AIUM) since 1998 and was elevated to Fellow in 2007. She has earned the title of Advanced Practice Sonographer (APS) through the Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography (SDMS). 她在产前超声检查领域撰写了几篇文章和出版物.

Tammy Lohnes,注册护士,注册医学博士

塔米是地区围产期中心的全职超声医师. 从克劳斯医院护理学院毕业后, 从1988年到1999年,她开始在克劳斯医院的劳动和分娩部门工作. 在克劳斯度过的十一年里, 她协助护理和管理低风险和高风险的产科病人. 1999年,Tammy在地区围产期中心获得了一个高风险产科护士的职位. 正是在这里,她对超声检查产生了兴趣. After completing a full year of Clinical Internship training and obtaining the required Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits in 超声波 Physics and Obstetric and Gynecologic principles, Tammy于2005年2月成功通过了美国诊断医学超声检查注册(ARDMS)委员会. Tammy has met the qualifications to participate in the Nuchal Translucency Quality Review Program (NTQR) through the Society of Maternal-Fetal Medicine. Tammy is currently registered with the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS) and is a member of the Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography (SDMS).


Ashleigh Hemink, BS, MHSA, RDMS, RDCS

Ashleigh从罗切斯特来到地区围产期中心, 在高危产科有6年的经验 & 妇科.  She graduated from Rocheter Institute of Technology with a Bachelor of Science in Diagnostic Medical Sonography (2014) and a Masters Degree in Health Systems Administration (2019).  She has earned her credentials through the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS) in specialities of 妇产科, 腹部及胎儿超声心动图.  Ashleigh is competent to perform first trimester nuchal translucency and nasal bone risk assessment evaluations through the Nuchal Translucency Education and Quality Review Program (NTQR) from the Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine.  她通过子宫颈长度教育和审查计划(CLEAR)获得子宫颈长度评估认证。. 阿什利于2021年1月加入围产期小组.


Hadeel Abdallah, BS, rms, RDCS

Hadeel从一家隶属于推荐最近最火的赌博软件的妇产科门诊诊所来到地区围产期中心.  她在高风险和低风险产科有8年的经验 & 妇科.  She is a graduate of Rochester Institute of Technology with a Bachelor of Science in Diagnostic Medical Sonography (2014).  She has earned her credentials through the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS) in the speciality of 妇产科.  Hadeel is competent to perform first trimester nuchal translucency risk assessment evaluations through both the Nuchal Translucency Education and Qulaity Review Program (NTQR) from the Society of Maternal-Fetal Medicine as well as the Fetal Medicine Foundation (FMF).  Hadeel于2022年4月加入区域围产期团队.



凯莉于2023年3月加入围产期中心.  She graduated from 上州医科大学 with a a Bachelor of Science in Diagnostic Medical Sonography in 2018.  她在妇产科和泌尿科有6年以上的经验.  She is credentialed through American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS) in the speciality of 妇产科.