
New York State 住院医生实习期 Determination for Tuition Purposes

组成纽约州立大学系统的学院和大学的建立是为了以较低的费率为纽约州合格居民提供优质教育. 在确定居民身份时,大学必须遵守纽约州立大学的行政政策. Key to any residency case is the determination of domicile, "which is defined as a fixed, permanent home to which a person intends to return following an absence. 一个人只有为了在纽约州的校园上学而实际出现在纽约州,才不能获得纽约州的住所. In summary, an emancipated U.S. 公民或永久居民,其住所在纽约州注册任何就读期间之前至少有一年的时间,应被视为纽约州居民,以确定该期间应支付的学费费率.

截止日期: To be considered for NYS 住院医生实习期,  申请必须在秋季学期的第二周结束前提交.

 Establishing a Domicile

在纽约建立住所需要作出肯定的决定,以纽约为永久住所. 你打算在完成学业后留在纽约州也暗示了这一点. 纽约州住所的证明是通过支持您的论点的文件来证明您的永久住所位于纽约州.

Citizens of the United States, 永久居民或非移民与签证,允许他们建立一个美国的住所可能有资格获得州内学费. 持有禁止在美国定居的签证的非移民将没有资格获得州内学费.

经济上依赖的学生从其依赖的父母/法定监护人那里获得住所. 根据文件#7810,III节(C)(2),学生必须独立。.

完成的申请必须经过公证,并在申请人寻求纽约州居留身份的学期的第二周结束时提交. 未能在截止日期前提交申请将导致该学期的全部州外学费责任. 截止日期后提交的申请可以考虑下一个学期.


To apply for New York State residency, please provide the completed application along with the necessary documents. 缺少信息或文件的申请将不被接受. 在申请之前,学生必须在纽约州居住至少12个月,我们强烈建议您在纽约州的头几个月内, you apply for your NYS driver's license or non-driver identification card, motor vehicle registration and voter registration card. Listed below are documents to qualify for NYS 住院医生实习期.

  1. Duration of the student's physical presence in New York State
  2. NY State driver's license or non-driver identification card
  3. NY State voter registration card
  4. 申请前12个月的纽约州住宅租赁合同 the 12 month lease period going forward (without any gaps)
  5. NY State motor vehicle registration

Other documents that we may ask for are:

  1. Proof of ownership of New York State real property
  2. Bank account statements with local address on it.
  3. Utility bills such as gas and electric, water, cable, etc. with local address on it.
  4. Copy of NYS Income tax



Exceptions to the Domicile Rule

  1. 美国武装部队的成员谁提供的文件显示,他们是全职现役和驻扎在纽约州将收取州内学费,不管他们的住所的实际位置. 在纽约州驻扎的全职现役人员的配偶和家属也应被视为纽约州居民.
  2. 如果父母或法定监护人是驻扎在州外的美国武装部队的全职活跃成员,则其家属有资格获得州内学费,前提是父母或法定监护人提交纽约州居住证明, referred to as a "推荐最近最火的赌博软件 of Record". Such records are on file at the person's military base.
  3. 军队的文职雇员及其家属没有资格享受这些住所规则的例外情况.
  4. 如果符合以下要求,某些非居民学生可能有资格享受居民学费:
    1. 非移民外国人不属于USC第8条第110 (a)(15)和
    2. Attended an approved New York State high school for two or more years, graduated from an approved New York State high school and applied for SUNY admissions within five years of receiving a New York state high school diploma; or
    3. 参加经过批准的纽约州普通同等文凭(GED)考试准备课程, received a GED and applied for SUNY admissions with five years of relieving the GED; and
    4. If the student is without lawful immigration status, 学生向学校提交一份经公证的宣誓书,证明学生已提交移民身份合法化申请, or will file such an application as soon as he or she is eligible to do so.


New York State 住院医生实习期 上诉 

通过学生会计办公室申请纽约居留权并被拒绝的学生可以根据纽约州立大学政策#7810对这一决定提出上诉, 住院医生实习期, Establishment of for Tuition Purposes.


想要对居留决定提出上诉的学生必须在收到拒绝通知后30天内以书面形式提出上诉. The letter of appeal must clearly state the reason for appeal.  任何支持上诉的文件都应提交给会计办公室,200室,CAB. The residency application, 上诉信和其他文件将由大学上诉委员会审查,他们将与学生联系他们的决定.

All decisions made by the University 上诉 Committe are final.