

Your transplant doctor and coordinator will follow you throughout your BMT transplant treatment. You will have blood work done and, if necessary, will be given intravenous medications or fluids.



  • 温度超过100.5华氏度或38摄氏度
  • 发冷、出汗
  • 中脉周围出现红肿、疼痛或分泌物
  • 出血
  • 咳嗽、呼吸急促或胸痛
  • 持续恶心或呕吐
  • 尿频或尿痛,尿中带血
  • 体重减轻超过5磅
  • 皮肤上疼痛的水泡
  • Skin rash, diarrhea, abdominal cramping or pain, yellowing of skin or whites of eyes
  • 由于恶心而不能吞咽药物或液体


Your risk of infection will remain higher than normal for at least three months after your transplant even though your body is again producing white blood cells. The highest risk is within the first month of leaving the hospital and during this period you should spend most of your time at home and away from people. 你不应该去超市, 教堂, movie theater or any place where there may be large crowds of people. 你可能会有人来访,但生病的人不应该来访. 如果有家庭成员或家庭成员, 包括孩子, 谁生病了?, 你必须尽力远离他们, either by staying in separate rooms or keeping them at a distance. 为预防感染,请采取以下措施:

  • 远离生病或咳嗽的人
  • 经常洗手
  • 如果你觉得你可能有发烧, 量一下体温,如果你发烧了, 打电话给诊所或在下午5点以后, 拨打315-464-5540并要求移植医生随叫随到.
  • Do not have any immunizations until one year after BMT and avoid children who have been immunized with live virus vaccines for four to six weeks
  • Wash your hands carefully after handling pets, and do not clean up animal feces. This includes cat litter boxes, your dog's excrement in the yard, 等.
  • Avoid swimming in lakes, rivers, public swimming pools or hot tubs
  • Avoid flossing your teeth until your platelet count is over 50,000. 使用柔软的牙刷清洁牙齿.
  • 当靠近建筑工地时,请戴上口罩. 如果可能的话尽量避免.
  • Avoid activities with exposure to dust or dirt that may be a source of infection
  • 联系 lenses can be worn only after your counts have returned to normal
  • 不要吸烟


Your platelet count may not be back to normal levels when you are discharged. 如果温度较低,请采取以下预防措施:

  • 使用电动剃须刀而不是直刃剃须刀
  • 不要用力擤鼻涕
  • 如果你经常便秘, use a stool softener so that you will not have to strain when having a bowel movement
  • Do not use rectal thermometers or suppositories, enemas, tampons or douches
  • Avoid strenuous forms of exercise or activities which have potential for injury
  • No aspirin or aspirin products until your platelets are greater than 100,000.

If you have an injury which bleeds, apply pressure over the injured area. Keep applying pressure until the bleeding stops, which may take several minutes. 如果出血不停止, 用冰敷, maintain the pressure and call your clinic doctor or go to the emergency center.


Your appetite may not have returned by the time you leave the hospital, 因此,你可能需要更加努力地获取所需的卡路里. Your dietician can help you to plan for meals before you are discharged. The guidelines listed below may help you to maintain or improve your nutritional status.

  • Eat small snacks and five or six small meals a day instead of three large meals
  • 吃高热量, 高蛋白零食,如奶昔, 奶酪和饼干, 坚果, 高热量的补充, 等. 在你已经吃过的食物中加入肉汁和人造黄油
  • 每天喝8大杯液体. Try to include fluids with calories (instant breakfast, sports drinks, 等.),避免摄入过量的咖啡因(例如.e. 可乐、咖啡、茶)
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages, as they can interact with medications and may injure your liver
  • Do not eat from salad bars or buy foods from bulk containers in the grocery store, 因为食物中可能含有引起感染的细菌
  • Do not eat raw meat or raw seafood (including raw oysters, fish or sushi)
  • Do not eat raw fruits or vegetables until your neutrophil count is over 1000, 然后彻底清洗
  • 注意胃痉挛, 吃或喝牛奶或奶制品后腹泻或胀气, 这可能表明他无法消化乳糖


治疗后你的皮肤会比平时干燥. Use a soap that contains a moisturizer and also use a moisturizing lotion, 尤其是在沐浴或淋浴后. Use a creme rinse or conditioner after shampooing to moisturize your hair and scalp. Wear a hat, long sleeves and long pants when outdoors during the day whenever possible. Always apply sunscreen (SPF 15 or higher) and limit the amount of time spent in the sun.


You may have questions regarding issues of intimacy and sexual activity after transplant and should feel free to ask your doctor or nurse. Your partner also may have questions and want to be involved in any discussion.

您可以稍等, 吻, hug and sleep in the same bed as your partner unless your partner is ill. You may resume intercourse once your platelet count and neutrophil counts are high enough, 比如血小板计数约为50,000和中性粒细胞计数约1500.

Many people notice a change in desire or interest in sexual activity, which is usually related to hormonal changes as a result of the chemotherapy. This is a temporary situation and not a reflection of a change in your feelings of love or need for closeness.

The American Cancer Society (ACS) has a booklet called "Sexuality and Cancer" (one for men and his partner and one for women and her partner) which may be helpful and can be obtained.

Sperm or egg banking should be done well before admission for transplantation if this is a concern.

月经周期中断在女性中很常见. However, fertility may be preserved occur in a small percentage of both men and women. You should discuss hormone replacement with your family doctor or gynecologist. Contraception should be used to protect against unwanted pregnancy.


The appropriate time to return to work varies from patient to patient. 和你的医生确认一下你预期重返工作岗位的情况.

You may continue your follow-up and care here or you can return to your referring physician once you have recovered from your transplant. At three months you will likely have an evaluation of your cancer. 这可能包括x光, CAT扫描, PET扫描, 血液测试, 尿检可能还有骨髓活检. You will be scheduled to start vaccines at one year, just like a newborn child. 你可能永远不会接种活疱疹疫苗. 不过你会有当地的医生跟着你, you will always be able to contact us any time after transplant.