



的 北州癌症中心 is 认证 by the 美国外科医师学会:癌症委员会 (ACOS CoC). We are among the 1% of 认证 cancer programs in the country who have achieved the Outstanding Achievement Award for four consecutive survey cycles. 项目 recognized for outstanding achievement demonstrate compliance in 29 standards and commendation in seven standards. 这些代表了癌症服务的全部范围, 从六个重点领域:癌症委员会的领导, 癌症数据管理, 临床管理, 社区外展, 质量改进和研究.

Accredited cancer programs undergo a rigorous site visit by a physician surveyor once every three years, and document ongoing program compliance with the standards each year. 项目 must demonstrate excellence in providing high quality care to cancer patients, 在一个以病人为中心的环境中. 病人 are engaged in decision making, and navigated through the care continuum by professionals. 支持 is provided to the patient and their family to assist with care transitions from active treatment through after care, 通常被称为遗属. 病人 and families can participate in the many services offered through the 北州癌症中心.



政府部门 放射肿瘤学 at the 北州癌症中心 has been awarded 认证 by the American College of Radiology (ACR). Accreditation by the ACR is recognized nationally as the “gold standard” for 放射肿瘤学, 因为ACR是最古老的, most recognizable demonstration of quality for the 放射肿瘤学 community. 的 放射肿瘤科 at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 has been continuously 认证 by the ACR since 1998, demonstrating the highest practice standards upon peer-review evaluation of its practice. Evaluations are conducted by physicians and physicists who are experts in their field. 他们评估人员的资格, 设施设备是否充足, 以及质量评估和改进活动.



骨髓移植计划 at 上州立大学医院 has been 认证 by the Foundation for the Accreditation of Cellular 的rapy (FACT) for the past 10 years. Over 800 bone marrow transplants have been performed for conditions such as non-Hodgkin lymphoma, 多发性骨髓瘤, 白血病和部分实体瘤. 的 program performs both autologous and matched-related allogeneic transplants.

This multidisciplinary program works closely with the clinical apheresis service, 低温贮藏实验室, 社会服务, 护理, dietary and 放射肿瘤学 for the management of transplant patients. 的 transplant program coordinates the management of patients both pre- and post-transplant, 在移植入院期间也是如此.

的 transplant team actively participates in the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant 研究 (CIBMTR), 联盟临床试验, 血液和骨髓移植临床试验网络(BMT CTN), National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP) and pharmaceutical research studies.


American College of Surgeons - National Accreditation Program for 乳腺癌 Logo

的 comprehensive 乳癌计划 at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 is fully 认证 by the National Accreditation Program for 乳房 Centers (NAPBC), 这是一个由美国外科医师学会管理的项目.

NAPBC 认证 is granted to centers that have voluntarily committed to provide the highest level of quality breast care and that undergo a rigorous evaluation process and review of their performance. A breast center that achieves NAPBC 认证 has demonstrated a firm commitment to offer its patients every significant advantage in their battle against breast disease.

推荐最近最火的赌博软件 achieved compliance in all 27 areas of review by NAPBC, 反映卓越的诊断成像, 放射肿瘤学, 护理, 支援及康复, 整形外科手术, 社区外展, 研究和质量.

推荐最近最火的赌博软件’s 乳房 Care Program offers services at two locations: at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件’s Downtown Campus at 550 Harrison Street, 锡拉丘兹, 以及Broad路4900号的社区校园, 锡拉丘兹. 平均是10,000 patient visits annually and offers an array of services that includes radiologic imaging, 淋巴水肿的治疗, 哺乳期援助, 手术, as well as specialized programs for breast cancer and benign breast diseases.

的 NAPBC is a consortium of professional organizations dedicated to the improvement of the quality of care and monitoring of outcomes of patients with diseases of the breast. 这一使命是通过制定标准来实现的, 科学验证, 以及耐心和专业的教育. Its board membership includes professionals from 15 national organizations that reflect the full spectrum of breast care.



上州医科大学最近被授予 首席执行官癌症金标准TM 认证 for its efforts to reduce the risk of cancer for its employees and covered family members by promoting healthy lifestyle choices, 通过癌症筛查鼓励早期发现, 确保获得高质量的治疗.

CEO癌症圆桌会议, a nonprofit organization of CEOs founded in 2001 by former President George H.W. 布什总统创立了 首席执行官癌症金标准 与国家癌症研究所合作, 许多指定的癌症中心, 领导非营利组织, 卫生组织. 的 黄金标准 calls for companies to evaluate their health benefits and corporate culture and take extensive, concrete actions in five key areas of health and wellness to reduce the risk of cancer in the workplace.

获得 黄金标准 认证, a company must establish programs to reduce cancer risk by discouraging tobacco use; encouraging physical activity; promoting healthy diet and nutrition; detecting cancer at its earliest stages; and providing access to quality care, 包括参与临床试验. 今天, over four million employees and family members are benefiting from the vision and leadership of the over 150 employers who have chosen to become 黄金标准 认证.

In addition to the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and Centers for Disease Control and 预防 (CDC), fifteen NCI-designated cancer centers and over forty other hospitals and medical centers have earned 黄金标准 认证.